Kings bounty the legend soy
Kings bounty the legend soy

Inquisitors (the troop core to this entirely process) is always in very short supply (hence why the Mind tree has a skill dedicated to making them available) but with the above mana/sacrifice/resurrect strategies, you'll be able to keep them and everyone else fully stocked.

kings bounty the legend soy

Both stacks remain resurrected and you never needed to pay for them. Resurrect the damaged stack using the above infinite mana strategies and finish the fight. Using the spell Sacrifice (commonly found in Demonis but also in many other shops) you can hurt a stack of your own troops and add them to another up to a limit (the max number allowed for your leadership). Originally posted by Woudo:Reposting from a previous thread

kings bounty the legend soy

An endless cycle of mana recharging and resurrecting. They ll kill the ice ball eventually but it's quite tanky and easily replaced. Since you'll need to walk near them eventually to collect Chargers box them in with Ice Thorns. They'll attack it forever as long as you don't move within striking distance. All you need to do is move them away from your units and cast Ice Ball (as Ice Ball does not retaliate). A melee creature will ALWAYS attack if it can within its turn, no matter if it will kill itself on a counter-attack or a better target is only an extra turn away. Enemy archers will (99.9% of the time), not intentionally move into melee range a single archer is very unlikely to kill himself on a counterattack. Keep a single enemy alive and you can use these methods to infinitely recuperate your mana. Use the mana gained from mana spring to afford Resurrection. Assuming you placed your unit at the correct angle to the enemy unit, the poison cloud won't move. Cast poison cloud on the unit (a good reason not to level poison cloud damage). Use the mana chargers to afford Resurrection. Use Lina to convert the rage into Chargers. There are a number of ways of infinitely regaining mana. I can't handle macro-managing crap like that game. Oh, yeah, and they would also spam heroes but meh. I mean, the AI was pretty ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥-ish and would pretty much steal the resources quicker than you can start up the game and they would bum-rush your cities as if they're waiting right at the edge of the fog-of-war.

kings bounty the legend soy

At least that game doesn't have an indefinite dead-end 'loser' state. I've also played HoMM3, which this game seems very similar to, but wow that was just elitist-esque hard and fights were kind of forced on you rather than you getting to choose who to fight and when but that's just kind of what the game was like. I'm not mad, I'm just annoyed because yes, I put in 57 hours to find out that, holy ♥♥♥♥, you can indefinitely lose and have no chance of getting back on your feet and you have to re-do all 57 ♥♥♥♥ing hours of your gameplay time. What, 57 hours? FIFTY SEVEN ♥♥♥♥ING HOURS. I'm not exactly happy that I'm indefinitely going to have to restart this game and waste. You CAN run out of money to the point where you can't get any more units. Hell, at some point, I'm going to have no money and I did some research on these forums. I mean, I'm running out of money at this point (about 600K) and I cannot, literally cannot, do any of the battles without suffering enough losses that I have to go back after every single fight and restock my army to stand any kind of chance. This game is ridiculously hard and the problem is that the game has a HUGE handicap to anyoone who doesn't have a perfect army. I'm at the demon lands right now, still haven't cleared up dead lands.

Kings bounty the legend soy